

tic toc tic toc

This noteis not an expat post per se, but isn't this page a diary as well, disregarding if i am a housewife or not?

The past weeks have been hyperactive, the past days have been tensed.

On the one hand i've realized that my work profile, as strange and original it might look like, is good and is under the radar of some people. I have met extremely interesting people, My brain has started smoking in response to questions, suggestions, advice, ideas, and I know I am looking the right direction, with the right tools in my hands.

On the other hand I know other things matter more, and that life never makes things simple for anyone. The clock is ticking, and i anxiously stare at the phone. Searching a job is a month- or even a year- or life-long perspective; life sometimes makes you look at your future from one day to another, from one night to the other.

You only live once - yet make sure you know what you are living for.

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