

The Forgotten Part Two - Fathers' Recognition

When hubby sat down with me to read the previous article before i published  it, he first feared some proper hubby bashing old style. Then he thought i slightly over-reacted, and that dads are recognized for what they are doing. Then he told me about his time at the beach in the morning, and i smiled.

The day after, one article from a "mummy blog" i usual read decided it would be awesome to list activities that are good for dads, to give some slack to busy mums who obviously are always taking the lead:

"Right, all you Dubai dads – this one’s for you. With summer fast approaching and many of you being separated from your brood for a few weeks, we think it’s time for some kiddo/father bonding. Plus all the mamas are getting pretty tired right about now – all those school runs, play dates and extra curricular activities – not to mention all of the other stuff we juggle is starting to take its toll. So how about giving mama a break and having some fun with the minis? We’ve rounded up the best dad-friendly activities in Dubai to get you started."

 And of course, these activities included things such as going to the skateboard park, getting a wind tunnel or golf experience, or going camping.
The Forgotten Part Two - Fathers' Recognition
I am no hardcore feminist - but what would be the right word to define the contrary, i.e. defending what our guys are doing best? (masculinist?!)

I feel like a modern mum, and indeed i have to juggle between work, home, nursery, and other stuff that make a day busy and full of experience. But from what i read, or what i hear or see, dads cannot be seen further than the work they do, and the things they don't do at home.

Hubby found my reaction funny. I found it sad in two ways:
- why wouldn't i be interested in doing boys stuff with my son? (whether i actually do them or not)
- why would i be the only one dealing with the everyday things? (while all chores are well shared at home)

The above intro made me grind my teeth: one more time it feels that no one believe that dads also juggle a lot, if not harder, to manage everything. They do get less flexibility to manage "mum things", and therefore get over-visibile for their achievements.
Clap your hand, a dad is actually bonding with his kid and doing something. Wow. See a mum doing the same...well...that's her job isn't it?
I know, i am asking the wrong questions and i am wasting my time. But the story is still the same: when i go pick up my son at nursery, i get a lot of information about the day, food and activities. My husband does the same, he does not get more information than "he's fine, he had a good day".

I just wished he'd get not especially more credits, but better ones, the ones he deserves for pushing his own priorities aside, his stress, all the pressure he puts on his shoulders to juggle with everything.

Dads juggle, if not more than mums. And they rock at it the same way as we do.

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