

There are days...

... when you feel like giving up; when you feel like you could move mountains to succeeed; when you actually have no idea what you are doing.

Being far away from "home" obliges you to define what "home" is and prioritize thinsg in a much more intense way than you expected when you left. You look at events through a different filter, from the elections in your home country to the birth of your friend's first child.

The economic crisis in Europe tells you in bright letters that you are doing good where you are: this is an emotionless fact, easy to calculate, simple to digest. On the other hand you get waves of news in your face, sometimes even a tsunami of updates that make you feel weak, strong, powerless, excited. Surfing these waves of emotions is never fun, mainly because you are so far from where they come from that you don't even know how to hold a hand, how to feel useful, how to progress.

Yes, i know i wrote earlier that I do feel closer to some now that I have left. This is the core of the paradox. You're there but you're not here. It's so good but it hurts at the same time. You count days but you see time pass at another speed.

So you, people "at home", be gentle with us. We know your everyday life can be hard, grey, complex. Just do not believe that because we live in the constant sun, or because we have a complete different lifestyle, our everyday life is shiny and obviously simple at all time. We fight like you, we struggle like you, but we do keep our heads up as you would at home.

Same same, but different.

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